Friday, August 7, 2015

A Sweet Day of Painting

    Six of our team members left us on Monday morning, so devotion was quiet but definitely not empty.  We read Luke 9:23-27 and talked about how we, at home and in Honduras, pick up our cross daily and follow Jesus.  We also talked about how sometimes it's so easy to bring our burdens to the Lord but hard to leave them with Him.  Most of us just come right back with our troubles, and that's not how it should be.  We need to have that trust in the Lord to leave our troubles with Him and if they come our way again, and make us worry some more, bring them right back to Him.

    Most of our activities for the day involved painting, building a bookshelf, and some more painting.  It seemed so easy to sit there and paint the trimming on TQ for about an hour that hot morning, but the sun sure did drain me quick.  So, seeking some shade, we continued to paint.  After our delicious lunch, coming back and working in the breezy shade of the afternoon felt like a dream.  It was nice to have more of a 'breezy' day of sitting and doing what needed to be done.  I think I may have even liked it more than the busier days- which for me, feeling that way definitely isn't common..  It gave such a sweet opportunity for real conversations and lots of time to reflect on how amazing these past 9 days have been- and time to realize how short these days have felt.  Time flies right by me and most times I don't even realize it until the last minute.  We have been praying for rain these last couple of days and the clouds were dark and we could hear the thunder but still we didn't get more than a drizzle.  That lovely breeze blew the storm away.

I did adore painting with this view all afternoon though.
Also that wind was so strong that it knocked down
                             one of our paint cans. So we had to improvise a little bit.                                                                  
Bookshelf building with Jennifer and Daniel
Painting, painting, and some more painting. But I wouldn't have had this day any other way.  So thankful for these and sweet days that I got to spend in Honduras.

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