Monday, August 3, 2015

A Beautifully Blessed Sabbath

    This morning after breakfast we headed out for vbs at Manantial Del Rey.  I personally love doing vbs because we get to spend so much time playing with children whether it's with a parachute, dancing, coloring, etc.. When it was over I was kind of sad because I realized that it was our last vbs, but when the kids were leaving most of them stopped and gave hugs which just filled my heart with joy.
     After vbs we ate lunch and then got ready for the dedication of Tranquilidad.  When we got to TQ we started setting flowers and food which made it seem so much more like a real home and not just a construction site anymore.  At three o'clock people started coming and everyone went outside to start.  It was such a beautiful ceremony with worship in Spanish and the speaking of God's Word.  We also had communion which was an awesome experience to see how similar and yet different our cultures are.  After the ceremony we had a reception with food and fellowship.
     When the dedication and reception were over we headed to church.  I absolutely loved going and seeing how Hondurans worship and really praise God.  Even though I couldn't understand most of what I was singing or what the pastor was talking about I was still moved by God's presence because I could feel Him there through their passionate and unashamed worship of our Lord.  It makes me realize that even though we came here to show the love of God to the people of Quimistan, that many of them are showing their love for God to me, which is really humbling. Throughout this whole day I saw Jesus in the joy and love of people's hearts whether they were strangers at the church or people I knew at the dedication.  All in all it was a beautifully blessed day.

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