Today was a productive day! One of the tables has been put together and will be stained and varnished tomorrow. The chalk board on the porch area is almost done and Joel has had a fun time drawing on it as well as on himself! The wind chime was finally completed and hung. It was made out of things that we would consider "trash" in the US. The cans were old rusted formula cans that were spray painted different colors and designs. The bottom five cans have all the children's names on them. The cans were hung by fishing wire and tied to bicycle rims and a fan cover. It is a reminder to me of how God takes something old and broken and makes something beautiful!

The table put together.

The children's new chalkboard.

The cans with names of each child.

Trash turned into beauty!
Please continue to pray for our health and safety as we are being the hands and feet of Jesus here in Honduras.
Love in Christ,
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