Written by Ama Martinez
Today (Thursday) was our second full day in Honduras. It feels simultaneously like we just got here and like we have been for a long time. Parts of Honduras already feel like home in our hearts.
This morning we split up into teams. Half of us went to the children’s home to continue building the playground for the children that live there and play with the babies. The other half of us went to Tijeras where we were holding a clinic for children because Dr. Brooks Rogers, a pediatrician is on our team and has been willing and passionate about working, helping, and caring for the children. In total we saw 43 families, which was 93 children. Out of the 93 children there was only one completely healthy child, a young baby. The problems ranged from diarrhea to skin infection and everything in between. It was a so humbling to be a part of something so much bigger than any one of us. Our hope is that these families and children noticed our efforts to care for them and realize that it is because of the greater love of Jesus. Dr. Brooks Rogers would see the children and learn their symptoms with the assistance of a translator, whose name is Daniel and then would write the doses and types of medications for each child, then Roxanne and Daun would gather the medications and write down instructions in spanish. Finally, Matt would speak to the mothers about their children’s medications, explaining Roxanne’s instructions. Meanwhile, myself, Tory, and Makenzie were outside of the clinic and were entertaining the kids outside. The outside activities mostly consisted of jump rope and bubble blowing. Those kids seriously loved to jump rope. We would count how many times they could jump in Spanish and celebrate when they accrued many consecutive jumps. We learned many names as they played well together, shared 2 jump ropes, laughed and loved on each other through fellowship. If you know me, you know that playing with kids is not necessarily something in my wheelhouse - but there is something about being with children that so desperately want and need the fun of simply playing that gives you the fuel to keep going. What we may lack in communication is multiplied in effort to connect in some tangible way. It’s amazing what the Lord changes and grows in you when you are simply willing. I am so thankful for today, for all of the Honduran children, for the patience of those making the clinic work, and the God who is making this all work together.
I know there is so much more to say and so much more that the Lord has done today but these are all the words I have. If you are reading this, just know that we are all very very blessed, happy, tired, and safe. We love you.
Ama Martinez
Matt and Daun at the Clinic
Makenzie at the Clinic
Tory at the Clinic
Roy, Bailey, and Keith at the children's home playground
Dr. Brooks Rogers seeing children at the clinic
Ama and Tory washing children's feet
My heart if full seeing all of you sharing God's love. ❤️