Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day 6 Our God Goes Before Us

The team opened the day with a devotion from Judges 4: 1-15. The key takeaway is a reminder to each of us that our Heavenly Father “goes before us” daily and we have an action to “come down the mountain” of our comfort zone and be obedient to His instruction so He can bless us !

As day 6 came to a close the mission teams from Crossroads Church Aiken and Bible Community Church in Beaufort reflected what has been accomplished thus far. Working side by side with the TQ workers on the Children’s Home construction, approximately 450 feet X 1.5 feet of ditches were dug including 800 feet of piping for water to and from the Children’s Home.  Five bathrooms and showers were also replumbed. In addition 400 feet of the flower beds were weeded with 70 feet of new garden cleared.  Multiple loads of dirt and cow manure were hauled to fill holes for nine coconut trees planted between the Children’s Home and the Administration Building.   

In the afternoon the team took a trip to the mountains of Buenos Aires (not Argentina) to view the beautiful countryside.  Unfortunately we had to turn around within 10 minutes of our destination because the roads were impassable due to recent rainfall.  The luxury Expedition filled with nine team members fishtailed in the mud…we heard Daniel, our faithful driver say “uh oh…no mas!” 

We enjoyed having Daniel's and Stanley’s (construction foreman) families join us for dinner.  We were blessed by their children and enjoyed making a joyful noise with them…they cried when they had to leave us!

As I conclude Day 6, we are all listening to Butch, the snoring bear, serenade us.  We (the Opreas) are sad to be leaving Quimistan and our mission team on Sunday morning and have been blessed to be in community with such committed servants. 

Blessings, Ron

Piping for water to and from Children's Home

Jennifer showing husband Jake (back in the USA) great work ethic
as she hauled dirt for newly planted coconut trees

Stanley's family; wife Maritza and children
Escarleth (9), Allison (5), and Loendy (3)

Daniel and two children Isabella (6) and Ezra (3)

George, Vickie, Kari, and Jennifer play follow the
bouncing balloon with the children

Butch making the final connection to Kitchen sink . . water anyone.? 

Fred and La Jefa moving some soil to cover low spots.
The beautiful flower garden is in the background with no weeds. 

Jennifer with Isabella and Escarleth

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