The morning began with many of us donning our orange and purple attire in support of Clemson University since they were playing Alabama for the national championship. A little Gamecock/Tiger rivalry ensued as well, but Tigers outnumbered Gamecocks.
The team worked on a cabinet to be used at the orphanage in the morning and afternoon. Honduran lumber, equipment and supplies made the task much harder than one would expect. However, with the help of Daniel, Mario, and Stanley the team was able to develop a good plan and nice start to the project.
Some of us were able to spend a little time with the children at TQ, which always brings great joy. It's wonderful to see them grow as healthy, happy children. There are so many in this country that are desperate for the basic needs that we take for granted in the U.S. The children at TQ are thriving, and it is such a blessing that God sent the missionaries to care for them. It is unimaginable to think of the conditions they would be in if not for TQ.
The team ate a little early in order to go to Mario's to view the big game. We watched the game upstairs with several TVs surrounding us. As surprising as this may seem for those of you that have been to Quimistan, it was cold! Fortunately, we had jackets and blankets to keep us warm. After a slow start, the Tigers came through in the fourth quarter to get the big win. It was an exciting game to watch, made even more so, by witnessing the joy it brought to Sam and Roxanne.